The (undeniable) best time of the year has arrived – the holidays! It’s time for stomachs to be filled with warm, comforting food, with loved ones close by. Here’s a short and sweet list of winter cooking spices to incorporate into this years holiday favorites:
1. Allspice
Try it in Thanksgiving specialties, like in cranberry sauce (to give it that extra ‘wow’ factor), or even in seasoning for various meats, such as lamb chops.
2. Nutmeg
Experiment with nutmeg by grating some of it into your homemade Gingerbread loaf and topping the loaf off with a sweet and creamy orange glaze.
3. Ginger
This is a unique spice which can truly be used all year round! In addition to a classic gingersnap cookie recipe, try incorporating ginger into a carrot soup to construct a new element.
4. Cloves
Cloves are perfect additions in curries, soups and rice dishes, as well as in meat marinade. Try adding ground cloves to your coffee cake for a unique twist!
5. Cardamom
Infusing warm milk with a dash of ground cardamom and a drizzle of honey on top makes the perfect drink for a cold, rainy winter night.
Take a look at the dishes you commonly prepare, and see where you can add a twist by including any of these seasonal spices!